The Roomba is one of the most popular robotic vacuums on the market. It’s easy to operate, it can clean large spaces, and it will keep your floors free from dust and pet hair all day long.
How often should I run my Roomba?
There are many factors that determine this including the size of your home and what types of surfaces you have in your home such as wood floors, carpeting, tile, etc.
We’ll take a closer look at these factors below!
You need to answer these questions:
1) How often do I want my vacuum cleaner to run?
2) What size space should my Roomba be able to clean in one go?
3) Do I have any pets or small children who might get tangled up in an automatic cordless vacuum cleaner?
4) Is the noise level something I’m comfortable with?
I suggest go with 900 series models from Roomba if you want all rooms to get cleaned (900 series models use a camera to perfectly navigate your house and map rooms).
The answer will, of course, vary from person to person. However, there are some things we can help you think about in order to optimize your cleaning schedule.
How Often Should I Run My Roomba?
The Simple Answer: Few people will run their Roomba less frequently than once a week. Likewise, few people will run their Roomba more than once per day. So the simple answer to how often you should run a Roomba is between one and seven times per week.
If you have pets and kids, then you should probably run your Roomba every day. If you live in a home with hardwood floors, no pets, and no kids, then you can probably get away with running your vacuum once or twice a week.
There are a few questions you can ask to help design your perfect cleaning schedule. These tweaks will help you decide how much of your house needs cleaning and how often it should be cleaned.
What’s On Your Floors?
There are two big choices for flooring: solid floors and carpet floors. Within these two floor branches, endless options exist. When considering cleanliness, solid floors, such as hardwood or tile, are much easier to clean than carpet. If your floor is carpeted, then more frequent cleaning should be a priority.
What’s In Your House?
A few home occupants add lots of extra mess. Pets are the messiest. Children are the second messiest. We don’t dislike children or pets! We just see the need to clean our houses with our loved ones in mind.
Pets add to the mess in a few ways. Many dogs and cats shed their hair often. Pet hair is unsightly and looks dirty. However, pets also add dander to your home. Dead skin cells from pets can be a major source of allergens for some people.
Children can also be quite messy! Spills drop, and the mess is part of parenting. Children also sit on the floor, often eat things from the floor, and play on the floor. We should want to keep our floors cleaner if we have children.
Where do you live?
Dry, dusty places can add extra dirt to the home. Living in cities or near built-up areas means more air pollutants are floating around. About two-thirds of the dust in your home is from outside the building. If you live in an area where outside pollution seems higher, then you might want to clean your floors more often.
How’s Your Health?
One of the main motivations for keeping a tidy home is good health. Bacteria, microorganisms, allergies, and asthma are all risk factors for your health. Reducing dust mite populations and other contaminants can reduce allergies and prevent asthma – especially in children. If you suffer from poor health or allergies, then more frequent cleaning could help you.
How to Get the Most From Your Roomba
When your robot vacuum runs, you want to ensure it does a good job. We’ve got some great ideas to help you come home to a clean space.
Plan Ahead
Before your vacuum switches on, try to organize a little walkthrough of your home. Put away anything your robot helper can’t handle. You might consider creating a “Toss Space” where you can quickly toss items you want to tidy away later. This will keep them out of your robot’s way.
Watch It Work
During its first few runs, your robot cleaner may need some support. Keep an eye on it and correct any problems it finds. If you see any places it cannot reach, then try to move things around to help it out.
Avoid Water
Electronics and water don’t mix. While your Roomba is unlikely to electrocute itself, water or other liquids can hurt its cleaning abilities. Try to ensure any spills or leaks are dry.
Look After Your Friend
Robot vacuums are becoming more and more helpful every year. These are useful household friends but they need a little help. Try to do these things regularly:
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- Clean the brushes and empty the bin. New models have self-emptying bins. Still, a little extra help from you will keep your friend in excellent working shape.
- Docking stations are like little homes for your robot. As it cleans your home, you can clean its home. Wipe down the charging contacts and housing surfaces.
- Update its software as patches become available. New patches are only going to help your house stay cleaner. Sign up for updates and install them. [/thrive_text_block]
If you do these things, your Roomba should keep working well for a very long time.
Get With the Program
The most advanced robot vacuum cleaners have great program features. Separate zones can be set up to avoid cleaning little-used spaces. Virtual walls can be used to keep the robot out of problem places. Cleaning times can be optimized to reduce disturbance to others in the household.
Finishing Up
How often should a Roomba run? It’s up to you. We suggest three to seven times each week. More frequent cleanings are not a problem. The battery will recharge itself. There is little power consumption involved. Whatever schedule you choose, we hope you enjoy life a little more thanks to the help of your robot cleaning assistant!