Why Are My Floors Sticky After Mopping

Why Are My Floors Sticky After Mopping?

Nothing irritates the soles of my feet more than sticky floors right after mopping! I mean, if I knew the results would be worse than before - I'd gladly not mop in the first place. Except, not mopping isn't an option for any sane person. Which begs the question, why are floors sticky after mopping?

Sticky floors are a result of using too much cleaning solution on your floors. You may be looking for that extra shine on your floors and think using too much cleaning solution will do just that- well, it won't. Use the appropriate amount as per the label.

Another reason is using the wrong cleaning solution for your floors. Yes, there is such a thing as using the wrong cleaning solution. Different floors - hardwood floors, laminate floors, vinyl, and wood floors require other cleaning solutions depending on the sticky residue. The basic rule is to use a cleaning solution with an opposite pH to the dirt to avoid stickiness afterward.

The last reason for sticky floors is cleaning with dirty water and failing to rinse properly. Cleaning with dirty water is technically just transferring more dirt to cleaner places. You will end up with a messier and sticky floor. Failing to rinse properly will also leave a sticky residue on your floor.

Having looked at the different causes of a sticky floor, lets us focus on how to get rid of sticky floors.

How do you get rid of sticky floors after mopping?

How do you get rid of sticky floors after mopping

To clean sticky floors after mopping, you can start by vacuuming the floor. This is to remove any debris floating around or loose residue that may have still been left on the carpet. Suppose you used dirty water to mop the first time you may have quite a bit of dirt.

Get a mop bucket and warm water. For very sticky floors, you may have to use hot water. Add the correct amount of the appropriate cleaning agent. Use the 1:10 ratio- for every part of the product, add 10 of the same for water. Make sure the cleaning agent is appropriate for your floor type.

Tka your mop and submerge it into the mixture and wring it properly. The mop should not be dripping with water; wet mopping is best at this stage. Start floor cleaning from one end of the room, going backward to avoid stepping on places you have already cleaned. Continue wringing the mop as you go to prevent transferring dirt from one place to another.

Once you are done, get rid of the soapy residue and refill the mop bucket with clean water. Rinse the floor properly until there is no more residue left of the cleaning agent. Leave your floor to dry before walking on it.

If you do not want to go through the trouble of filling and refining water, you can use microfiber mops as they are better suited to hold on to dirt than other materials. They will not transfer dirt into your water.

Use steam mops​​​​
Steam cleaner mop cleaining floor

Steam mops work best to clean sticky floors. It not only gives you great results but also saves you a lot of time. Using a steam mop requires no additional chemicals, but you can also use some if you want to.

Steam mops work by using heat- particularly a jet of steam to remove grim, dirt, sticky residues and even kill germs in the process. The reservoirs are filled with water and heated to produce steam. The steam is then pushed through the microfiber pad to trap moisture; hence you get dry steam that will not damage your floor.

A steam mop can remove most of any stains. When you have sticky floors after mopping, you may want to try cleaning with a steam mop. They remove most stains that normal cleaning wouldn't and are pretty gentle on a sensitive floor type.

To the fanatics for healthier lifestyles, steam mops are best because they require o additional chemicals to clean, just water. It also saves you the cost of buying cleaning agents, and you get the bonus to get rid of indoor pollutants. The only downside to using a steam mop is one can quickly get burned if you are not careful enough. Using it requires a lot of focus.

How to clean sticky tile floors?

Sticky residues on tile floors can be quite hazardous. Despite what you may think, completely removing sticky residues off tile floors does not happen easily. When the sticky residue is left on the tile floor, it collects even more dirt. It is best to clean the sticky areas as soon as you notice the mess.

For stone and ceramic tiles, you will need a clean rug and some warm water. Wring the rug until it is damp and place it over the areas where the floors feel sticky. Let it sit there for a few minutes to loosen up the soap residue.

Mix one cup of white vinegar in a bucket of water and use it to clean the sticky floors. Clean the entire floor with clean water to remove the vinegar residue and let the floor dry.

For linoleum, rubber, and vinyl tile floors, take two tablespoons of a mild cleaning agent and mix them with a gallon of water. Soak a clean rag in the solution and wring it until it is almost dry. Place it over the sticky residue so that it doesn't overlap the seams between the tiles.

Let the rug soak at the spot for about 5 to 10minutes. The moisture makes the tiles curl at the seams. Scrub with the rug over the sticky residue until all dirt is gone, and then rinse with clean to remove any detergent residue.

You can also use a mild abrasive brush to remove stubborn stickiness. Do not brush too hard on vinyl, ceramic, and linoleum tiles.

How to clean the sticky floor without a mop?

How to clean the sticky floor without a mop

Are you tired of using a mop to clean? Well, worry not. There are plenty of other alternatives to using a mop. You can decide to go the old-fashioned way and clean with your hands! That is getting on your hands and all fours and manually scrubbing the stickiness of your floor.

You will need one bucket of water, a microfibre cloth or sponge, and an appropriate cleaning solution for your floor for this method. Whatever cleaning solution you decide to use, make sure you use the right amount. With your sponge, scrub the sticky messes off your floors.

If you don't want to get on all fours, you can tie your sponge around a broom and scrub with it as you would using a mop.

You can use your feet to concentrate on the spots with the sticky messes. Put some of your dilute solutions in a spray bottle and spray over the sticky residue; take a piece of cloth, place it over the spot and use your feet to scrub it out.

Additionally, you can use the Bissel cross wave vacuum cleaner. This vacuum not only washes the floor but also vacuums at the same time! The Bissel cross wave saves you a lot of time and effort. By using it, you do not have to handwash your floors, and you do not have to sweep the floor before cleaning.

Does vinegar make floors sticky?

If you are experiencing sticky floors after mopping, then it is in no way because of vinegar. Vinegar does not make your floor sticky; in fact, it is used to clean sticky floors. Vinegar works to cut through grease and remove any buildup of dirt.

Vinegar is a natural cleaning and deodorizing agent. Vinegar works well on many different flooring types, including laminate flooring. White vinegar works best on hard surfaces such as wood floors, linoleum, and tiles.

The key is to dilute enough vinegar to hold its cleaning power still but not too much that the acidity levels are high and can damage floors.

One cup of white vinegar in one gallon of water is enough to do the trick. Dip your mop into this solution and wipe over sticky floors after mopping. Rinse well afterward, ensuring all the vinegar is wiped out. Leave your floor to dry; the sticky feeling will be there no more.


Sticky floors after mopping can be a nightmare for some. Well, you do not have to suffer from the same experience continually. Many simple methods make removing sticky residue from your floor much simpler.

Remember that baking soda can also leave behind a sticky mess. If perhaps you were cleaning with it, or it accidentally spills on your floors- if not cleaned well, it will leave a stickiness afterward. Use the basic cleaning products mentioned in this article. With vinegar and warm water, you should be good to go.

When the protective coating on your floor gets damaged, it too can start to feel sticky. If you have tried all the above steps, you may have to apply a new protective cover.