iRobot Roomba Error Codes – All Roomba error codes A to Z + Solution

Here in this article, we are going to guide you through the various error codes that you might encounter with your iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner. Even more, we will help you gather the proper troubleshoot information for a variety of issues so you can rest assured the next time you need to fix your device, knowing that you will know how to best fix it. No longer do you need to worry about not being able to operate your iRobot robot vacuum anymore because this article will provide you with all of the answers to your questions!

Without further ado, let’s begin with some of the most common issues that might arise with your iRobot Roomba device.

iRobot Roomba Error Codes – All Roomba error A to Z solution

iRobot Roomba Error Codes

If You Hear One Beep or “Error one (1).”

When you hear a singular beep on your Roomba vacuum, that means your vacuum has run into a corner and can no longer get out of its area. This error code could also mean that a wheel of the vacuum is hanging.

How to Fix? The best solution is to simply make sure there are no obstructions on either of the vacuum’s wheels and then move the vacuum into a new location (or turn the device around) and then restart its performance once again.

If You Hear Two Beeps “Error two (2).”

When you hear two beeps in a row, this means that the brushes on your vacuum are no longer able to turn because something has likely got caught in them.

How to Fix? Simply turn the vacuum onto its back and check the brushes. You will want to be sure to clear out any debris as well. Even more, you should also clean the brush and the local bearings, gears, and brush casing. Double-check that the brushes were properly installed in the correct way; sometimes they might be installed backward which would cause additional problems. By checking all of these things, you will be able to fix the issue which should keep the issue from recurring.

If You Hear Five Beeps “Error five (5).”

How to Fix? When you hear five beeps, that means one side of your vacuum’s wheels is stuck in place.

A quick and easy solution will fix this: Go ahead and spin both sides of the vacuum’s wheels to get them moving once again. Afterward, you will want to be sure to move the vacuum into a new location and turn it around, much like you would do so in the troubleshooting tips for when you hear one beep.

If You Hear Six Beeps “Error six (6).”

If you are hearing six beeps coming from your vacuum, this will mean one of two things: Either the vacuum has dirty cliff sensors or the vacuum itself is stuck on a cliff-like surface.

How to Fix? To fix the issue, all you need to do is clean off the sensors of the device using a fresh cloth or compressed air. Once the sensors are clean, then the device will be ready to go and will work again like it is supposed to.

If You Hear Seven Beeps “Error seven (7).”

When you hear seven beeps, one (or potentially both) of the side wheels of the iRobot Roomba vacuum is stuck in place.

How to Fix? What you will want to do is check to make sure nothing is blocking these wheels from moving and if there are things that are in the way of the wheels, then you will want to remove them. Next, check that both of the wheels have the same amount of resistance. If you feel the resistance is different, then use some compressed air to blow the mechanisms of each wheel which will remove all particles and dust and therefore will get each wheel on the same page of resistance.

If You Hear Eight Beeps

Eight beeps mean the front wheel of the device is stuck. This could also mean that the entire vacuum itself is stuck in one place. Rather than being a traditional error code, this code should fix itself by having you simply move the device to a new place. If the issue is still there, then you might need to replace the front caster of the vacuum.

If You Hear Nine Beeps “Error nine (9).”

When your Roomba vacuum gives nine beeps, this error code means that your device is stuck in one place or its sensors are dirty.

How to Fix: You will want to go ahead and start by tapping the bumper of the vacuum to make sure it is properly cleaned since  Another thing you could do is push the bumper of the vacuum by moving it in and out. This will make sure that the vacuum is working as properly as it should be.

irobot roomba sensor

  • If You Hear Ten Beeps. When you hear ten beeps, this could mean that your Roomba vacuum has not yet run into any issues (which is a good thing) or that it has found itself stuck by getting stuck in one place. Either of these scenarios can be a common issue in large rooms that have bigger sized furniture. These beeps will go away once the vacuum detects something is in its way.
  • If You Hear Eleven Beeps. If you hear eleven beeps in a row, you will be happy to know that this is not one of the Roomba error codes. Rather, this is simply an informational code that will let you know your vacuum has not yet encountered any obstacles and has not found anything in its way. This is not a major issue, similar to when you hear ten beeps, so keep vacuuming on!
  • If You Hear Twelve Beeps. This is the most amount of beeps in a row that you will hear with your Roomba device. When you hear this many beeps, this means that the cliff sensors on your vacuum are either broken or they are dirty. Start by cleaning off the vacuum’s sensors by using a clean cloth and damp the cloth slightly if need be. If the issue persists, then the device’s cliff sensors will need to be replaced.

Spoken Word Roomba Error Codes

In addition to the above Roomba error codes that are passed along via beeps, there are special codes that are in the form of spoken words. These error codes state word-for-word what the issue is and do so in a concise manner to help you understand what the major issue is and how you can correct said issue.

For example, such Roomba error codes include:

  • Please Charge Roomba
  • Please Inspect and Clean Cliff Sensors
  • Please Inspect and Clean Roomba Wheels
  • Please Remove and Clean Roomba’s Brushes

When you encounter any and all of these Roomba error codes, you can simply listen to the code and follow its instructions to find the best way to troubleshoot the issue. Furthermore, using the information provided above on how to Roomba troubleshoot the codes that are told via beeps, you can utilize the same procedures for each respective concern to ensure that the issue will be resolved properly.

Errors with Charging

irobot roomba chargingLastly, your Roomba error codes might refer to issues with the device’s charging as well. Charging errors occur when the iRobot robot vacuum device is not being properly changed.

These Roomba error codes can present themselves in one or two different ways:

  • They can either be in the form of blinks
  • They can either be in spoken words.

If the codes are presented as blinks, you will see a blinking light near where the device is plugged in. If the Roomba error codes are spoken, you will hear these charging codes just like you would the regular error codes.

Let’s look at each a little more in-depth to learn about their specifics:

One Blink (Charging Error One)

When you see one blink or hear Charging Error One, this will mean that your battery of the Roomba device has not yet been connected.

Two Blinks (Charging Error Two)

When you see two blinks or hear Charging Error Two, this means your device has overheated as a result of charging and needs to cool down. It will need to cool down for about an hour.

Three Blinks (Charging Error Three)

When you see three blinks or hear Charging Error Three, this will simply mean that your device has an error that can be corrected by resetting the charger and charging it up once again.

Five Blinks (Charging Error Five)

When you see five blinks in a row or hear the device say “Roomba has a charging error,” a multitude of errors can be found, but the solution is simple: Reset the vacuum’s charger and charge the device until the charger’s light is green.

Six Blinks (Charging Error Six)

When you see six blinks or hear Charging Error Six, the battery has overheated because of charging. You can fix this Roomba troubleshoot by moving the vacuum into a more cool location and allowing it to cool down for about 60 minutes.

Seven Blinks (Charging Error Seven)

This is the last charging error you might encounter with your Roomba vacuum cleaner. When you see seven blinks in a row or hear Charging Error Seven, then then the vacuum has not been cooled down properly and needs to continue cooling down more. Repeat the troubleshooting steps for six blinks (Charging Error Six) here and if the issue continues, then your vacuum’s charging device might be faulty and should be replaced entirely.


With these tips and tricks for troubleshooting, you will be able to fix any issues your Roomba iRobot robot vacuum might be having and you can ensure it will be working to its full potential, just like you have in mind!

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